With recent pandemic crisis and its effects on NHS, more people are seeking private fertility tests and treatments. We offer a range of tests for men, women and couples. Our fertility specialist will thoroughly assess your situation before recommending any tests. Whilst many people will turn to a fertility specialist when they require treatments to assist them when wanting to start a family, it is becoming much more common for couples to turn to a fertility clinic for a comprehensive fertility MOT or fertility check. So, to help anyone who is contemplating arranging a test but would like to find out more before doing so, our team here at London IVF & Genetics Centre have explained you can expect from the most common private fertility tests, also referred to as fertility MOTs. 

Female fertility tests 

When you book a female fertility test, you will be seen for a consultation where things such as your menstrual and medical history, your sexual life and also your lifestyle will be discussed. Whilst you may wonder why these things are important, your answers will be incredibly beneficial to fertility specialists when considering appropriate tests and advice that will maximise your chances of getting pregnant naturally or following fertility treatment.

As far as the tests are concerned, mots would require assessment of your ovarian reserve, uterus and fallopian tubes. Often, both blood tests and ultrasound scans will be used to help specialists find any potential problems with your fertility. You may find that a Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography (HyCoSy) will also be used as well. 

Once all of these female fertility tests have been completed you will have another consultation where all of the results will be explained to you. It is likely that if anything of concern was found, an expert will also explain what your treatment options are moving forward. 

Male fertility tests 

More often than not, male fertility tests will start in a similar way to female tests and a consultation will take place allowing a fertility specialist to get any required background information. However, as expected, the actual tests that will be undertaken will differ from a female fertility test. 

Usually, male fertility tests will focus on checking various aspects of sperm health such as count, their shape, movement and other important characteristics. All of this forms part of semen analysis and will include testing a semen sample for a range of parameters. There are other tests such as sperm DNA fragmentation index or DFI that tests for any genetic damage in cells. 

Again, upon completion of all of the required male fertility tests, an expert will provide you with your results where they will highlight any of their concerns. They will be able to offer you advice regarding your fertility and having a baby in the future. 

Couples fertility tests 

More and more couples and individuals nowadays prefer to make informed decisions about starting family. You may find that some clinics offer private fertility tests that are specifically designed for couples. These tend to cover most aspects mentioned above in both the female and male fertility tests and are beneficial to any couples where both parties would like to find out more about their fertility and their chances of conceiving naturally together. 

Arranging to have private fertility tests 

Hopefully, you will now know a little bit more about what private fertility tests entail and it is fair to say that you really don’t have anything to worry about when arranging one of these tests. Whilst it can be undeniably daunting waiting to find out whether you’re going to be able to naturally conceive, the fertility test itself isn’t something you need to panic about and when you go to a private fertility clinic, you can trust that you will be supported every step of the way. 

Here at London IVF & Genetics Centre, we provide all of the different private fertility tests mentioned above and we will happily assist you if you’d like to arrange one of these tests. As a leading fertility clinic, we pride ourselves on offering fertility services that are science-led and you can feel safe in the knowledge that you’re in the best possible hands when you turn to our expert team. If you would like to find out more about our private fertility tests, don’t hesitate to contact us today, we will happily provide you with the additional information that you require.