What is reproductive immunology?
Ms Shipra Krishna explains reproductive immunology, the speciality of medicine that understands the immunology behind conception and pregnancy.
Ms Shipra Krishna explains reproductive immunology, the speciality of medicine that understands the immunology behind conception and pregnancy.
Consultant Shipra Krishna discusses how to avoid a miscarriage. Almost one in six pregnancies that are conceived naturally are destined to miscarry. The incidence of miscarriages with conceptions following a fertility treatment are higher and is between ten to twenty-five percent.
How Likely Are You to Miscarry When Going Through an IVF Treatment? Recently, the Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon spoke about her miscarriage in a book. Miscarriage is a loss of a pregnancy before it reaches the stage of viability. The limit of viability is considered as around 23 to 24 weeks. A naturally conceived [...]
Some patients may describe the pain as being that constant dull pain while others mentioned it as being abdominal cramps. If the body is actively trying to get rid of the products of conception the intensity of the pain may be higher and some woman can describe this has as being mini labour.
10 Commonly Asked Questions about IVF and Insemination I recently was invited as a guest speaker for an ‘Ask a Consultant’ session at a patient support group meeting in London. It was such an interesting and interactive session. I decided to share some of the questions that are often asked by the patients related to [...]