Female Fertility Test in London

Concerned about your fertility? Know the health and quality of your eggs with a fertility MOT at London IVF and Genetics Centre. Our IVF clinic in London offers a comprehensive fertility MOT and testing assessment programme to assess your ovarian reserves. We are sensitive to the very common anxiety of diminishing ovarian reserves or the faster ageing of eggs.

What is Female fertility test (MOT)?

Female fertility MOT is a comprehensive check of female fertility and includes assessing health of ovarian reserve, uterus and fallopian tubes.

Firstly, you make an appointment with a consultant at our London fertility clinic. Then, during this appointment, your consultant will have a chat with you about your medical history, your sexual life, menstrual history and your lifestyle (where do you work, where do live, do you exercise etc).

Why take a fertility MOT or test?

Women are born with around one to two million eggs. That sounds like a lot. Unlike men, who produce new sperm daily throughout their lives, women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. What’s worse, they lose them over time.

With the onset of puberty and menstruation, the amount of eggs you were born with has reduced gradually to around 450,000. This process continues throughout your life. Egg quality decreases at a slower pace. At an age of around 35 years of age, this process gathers pace and further decreases rapidly in one’s 40’s.

This decline in both egg quality and quantity results in difficulties in conceiving either naturally or through treatment in women who are 30 years of age and older. In some women, this can even start earlier. This happens in women with a family history of premature menopause or infertility.

The benefits of female fertility MOTs

Women can benefit and feel empowered by being aware of their egg health at an earlier age, while they still have time to plan for their future, through a fertility MOT.

Female fertility tests in London IVF and Genetics Centre offers a comprehensive fertility MOT (assessment) programme for women who are alone or in a relationship. We can cater to your requirements with either a basic or complete female MOT.

The basic fertility MOT assessment programme at our London fertility clinic involves blood tests and an ultrasound scan to assess the quantity and quality of your eggs. This also includes a consultation with the Consultant Gynaecologist, Dr. Shipra Krishna.

Our IVF clinic London complete female MOT assessment programme includes everything above, and also involves a special ultrasound scan (HyCoSy) to check the fallopian tubes.

You can also join our next open evening  in London to know more about your options and ways in which we can help.

Get in touch
The best way to understand your fertility options is to have a quick chat on: