Can you explain what PGS is?
Ms Shipra Krishna explains Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening, or PGS. Read more...
Ms Shipra Krishna explains Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening, or PGS. Read more...
What is traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy? The traditional surrogacy, which is also known as a straight surrogacy arrangement, the surrogate also becomes an egg provider and the carrier of the pregnancy. Whereas in gestational surrogacy the surrogate only provides the host environment to the embryo or the pregnancy and is not a gamete provider. [...]
Ms. Shipra explains what can go wrong with surrogacy.
Ms. Shipra Krishna answers "how does surrogacy work?" Learn all about your surrogacy options and important considerations before you start.
Ms. Shipra Krishna explains elective egg freezing, an option to be considered by women one less than 30, ideally less than 35.
Ms. Shipra Krishna explains the first steps to take in the fertility journey.
Ms. Shipra Krishna explains the patient fertility journey.
Ms Shipra Krishna explains how she helps address common fertility concerns that affect the fertility industry.
Ms Shipra Krishna explains reproductive immunology, the speciality of medicine that understands the immunology behind conception and pregnancy.
Ms Shipra Krishna explains the importance of continuity of care during fertility treatment.