In IMSI IVF, we carefully prepare and examine the sperms under a microscope with very high magnification (6000 times more powerful). This process enables us to carefully look inside the sperm cell and assess at magnifications that are not possible with conventional ICSI microscope. With this magnification, we’re able to identify and reject sperm with tiny defects in the sperm head, and select optimal sperm for ICSI.
Why Us for Your IMSI IVF?
At London IVF and Genetics Centre, we offer Intracytoplasmic Morphologically-Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI IVF) to a certain group of patients with male sub-fertility.
IMSI IVF involves the use of a special microscope to evaluate the structures inside the sperm cell. This is called ‘Motile Sperm Organelle Morphology Examination’ (MSOME). As with IVF, we carefully assess patients and give them a personalised treatment plan.
The female partner will use fertility drugs and injections to prepare and stimulate your ovaries. She will be carefully monitored until you are ready for egg collection. The egg collection is a minor surgical procedure which is done under sedation.
In IMSI IVF, we carefully prepare and examine the sperms under a microscope with very high magnification (6000 times more powerful). This process enables us to carefully look inside the sperm cell and assess at magnifications that are not possible with conventional ICSI microscope. With this magnification, we’re able to identify and reject sperm with tiny defects in the sperm head.
Then, we inject selected sperms into each collected egg.
The harvested eggs are then treated with sperms and the embryo(s) replaced into the womb two to five days later. Few weeks later, patients’ will take a pregnancy test and attend for pregnancy scan if they test positive. In case of no success, we provide you with a follow-up appointment to discuss the treatment and also, any further treatments.