Understanding PCOS and PCOS IVF treatment 

When trying for a baby, you don’t always get pregnant as quickly as you may have hoped and this is actually more common than people realise. There are numerous reasons why couples may be struggling to conceive and it is always advisable to speak to a professional if you have been trying to get pregnant for a long time now. They will be able to advise you of any potential issues and help get to the bottom of things. 

One condition that they may inform you about is PCOS, this abbreviation probably doesn’t mean much to most women but, if you have been diagnosed with PCOS then it is undeniably beneficial to do your research. So, to help any women trying to find out more about this specific potential fertility issue, our team here at London IVF & Genetics Centre have put together an easy to understand guide covering all of the basics. 

What is PCOS?

Simply put, PCOS stands for Polycystic ovary syndrome and this is a condition that affects how a woman’s ovaries work. It is actually much more common than people realise and it is something that affects almost 1 in 20 women. 

How does PCOS affect fertility?

There are 3 main features of PCOS and all of them can have an effect on your fertility, they are;

  1. Irregular periods – this is fairly self-explanatory but irregular periods can cause issues when it comes to getting pregnant because your body doesn’t regularly release eggs
  2. Hormone imbalance – this is when you have excess ‘male’ hormones, androgen, in your body which may, in turn, mean you have a higher level of testosterone
  3. Polycystic ovaries – this means that your follicles are often unable to release an egg so ovulation doesn’t always take place

Women who are diagnosed with PCOS usually experience 2 or more of these features and this is why they may struggle to conceive. It is important to note that if you simply experience Polycystic ovaries, PCO, then you might not necessarily have PCOS, it needs to be in combination with the other factors mentioned above to have this specific condition. 

Can you treat PCOS?

Whilst there’s no cure for PCOS, the symptoms of PCOS can be treated and thankfully, even if you’re experiencing problems with your fertility due to PCOS, there are still ways that you are able to get pregnant. Say you’re experiencing problems with irregular ovulation, feature 1 mentioned above, then there are many fertility treatment options that may be able to help. 

Specialists may be able to induce ovulation with tablets or injections so you’re still able to conceive naturally. This is usually incredibly effective, however, there are other alternatives too. If you’re still unable to conceive then it may be worthwhile considering IVF. 

Does PCOS IVF work?

IVF is probably one of the most well-known ways to assist with getting pregnant and many people are familiar with the steps of the process. The good thing to know is that this treatment can work for women who have PCOS and it is just as successful in women with PCOS as those not suffering from PCOS.

For the vast majority of women, PCOS IVF is a successful fertility treatment. Of course, the success rate of PCOS IVF does depend on a range of different factors and there may be other things that influence the outcome too so it is important to bear this in mind. You will find that a thorough assessment and also careful planning of PCOS IVF is important to maximise success.

Speaking to a professional about PCOS IVF

Hopefully, the brief guide above will have answered the majority of your questions about PCOS and you will now understand a little bit more about this condition and how it affects your chances of getting pregnant. Of course, if you do have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team here at London IVF & Genetics Centre, we will happily assist you further.

Not only are our experts able to provide you with the information you require but here at London IVF and Genetics Centre we also offer a range of fertility treatments for PCOS. Our fertility experts will be able to discuss all of your options with you and help you increase your chances of having a baby. Whether it is ovulation regulating injections or PCOS IVF, we are here for you every step of the way.