When trying for a baby, if it is taking slightly longer to fall pregnant than expected, many people will take to the internet for answers. Of course, a simple search can bring up masses of information that is generally quite confusing and can also be very scary. People will be greeted by numerous conditions that can sound detrimental when, in reality, there are so many options when trying for a baby these days. 

One condition you’re likely to come across when researching into potential issues with fertility is endometriosis. To help any women looking to find out more about this specific condition, our team here at London IVF & Genetics Centre have put together a helpful guide. We have covered all of the basics about endometriosis and Fertility and have answered some of the most frequently asked questions so, hopefully, this will put your mind at ease. 

What is endometriosis?

Simply put, endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb starts to grow outside womb in places such as the ovaries and pelvis. You may also hear people describe it as a condition where womb lining deposits outside the womb. 

Unfortunately, endometriosis can affect women of all ages and it is actually much more common than people realise. Women who have endometriosis are likely to have difficulty getting pregnant and some may even face infertility too, in very severe cases. 

What are the signs and symptoms of endometriosis?

The symptoms of endometriosis can vary quite dramatically, some women may be affected badly and others might not even experience any noticeable symptoms. Nevertheless, below are some signs and symptoms to look out for; 

  • Incredibly painful periods 
  • Ongoing pain in your lower tummy or back 
  • Pain during sexual intercourse 
  • Very heavy periods 
  • Pain when going to the toilet 

In general, the diagnosis of endometriosis will be suspected based on these symptoms but, a fertility specialist or a gynaecologist will need to do a thorough assessment to confidently diagnose this condition. There are also different stages of endometriosis and they will be able to advise whether your condition is mild, moderate or severe.

How does endometriosis affect fertility?

It is important to note that endometriosis doesn’t necessarily cause infertility and the majority of women with this condition will still be able to have a baby naturally. There are however links between fertility and endometriosis and it is often the scar tissue caused by this condition that causes problems when trying to get pregnant. 

Are there treatment options for endometriosis?

Whilst endometriosis is a long-term condition there are some treatments that can help to ease the symptoms that you may be experiencing. There are also specific fertility treatments that can help you when you’re trying to get pregnant too, so don’t immediately worry about endometriosis and fertility.  

Often, the choice of fertility treatment is very specific to your individual experience with your endometriosis. Professionals will recommend different treatments depending on the stage of your condition, your age, how long you’ve been trying to conceive and whether you have any other fertility factors to consider too. 

Seeking assistance with endometriosis and fertility 

We hope that the above guide will have helped you to understand more about the basics of endometriosis and how it may affect your fertility. Of course, if you think you may have endometriosis then you should reach out to a medical professional who will be able to assist you further. Here at London IVF and Genetics Centre, our team can provide you with a wide range of detailed tests that can help you get to the bottom of any potential fertility issues.

If you have already been diagnosed with endometriosis and you’re interested in finding out more about your treatment options then this is something else we can assist with here at London IVF and Genetics Centre. Our professional experienced team will be able to advise you on the best fertility treatments to help you get pregnant and we can also help you to decide on the best way to proceed with your endometriosis.