Do irregular periods mean infertility?

It’s not uncommon for women to experience irregular periods at some point in their lives. But whether irregular periods signal infertility, I don’t think that’s always the case.

However in the context of infertility, irregular periods do imply having ovulation problems or ovulation defects what we also call anovulation. It can also imply the presence of an endometrial polyp, uterine fibroid or having endocrine disorders such as thyroid gland dysfunction. These are all the reasons that can lead to irregular periods.

One of the common reasons for ovulation problems is polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. So, if you think you might have in ovulation defect, then it will be important to see a gynaecologist, to understand what the reasons could be. The good thing is that the ovulation defects can be easily corrected by using either pills, such as Clomid or Clomiphene, or using gonadotropin injections such as Menopur or Gonal-F. You made an attempt for follicle tracking, and that would then mean that this simple treatment can manage your ovulation problem.

If you can also see a gynaecologist or specialist to check for your thyroid gland dysfunction. If you have an overactive or underactive thyroid gland that can also lead to irregular periods and giving thyroid hormone supplements can help you correct that problem.

If we suspect that problems may be related to endometrial polyps or fibroid, then we may suggest a simple procedure such as a hysteroscopy to confirm the diagnosis and further advice can be given if any further procedures are required.

In summary, irregular periods do not imply infertility. However many causes can lead to irregular periods, and some of them can be associated with infertility.