What is the IVF success rate?
It is important to understand that the success rate of an IVF treatment depends on many variables. This could be based on your clinical circumstances of the cause of infertility and why you need the treatment. Sometimes it can also be related to other factors such as the quality of the eggs, sperms and the embryos. It also depends on when we are replacing the embryos back or how many embryos we’re replacing back. Looking at the factors of clinical factors presence of medical illnesses, immune conditions, or if you’re taking any medications that
Sometimes it can also be related to other factors such as the quality of the eggs, sperms and the embryos. It also depends on when we are replacing the embryos back or how many embryos we’re replacing back. Looking at the factors of clinical factors presence of medical illnesses, immune conditions, or if you’re taking any medications that
Looking at the factors of clinical factors presence of medical illnesses, immune conditions, or if you’re taking any medications that have a potential to affect the quality of the eggs, then yes, that can affect your success rates as well.
Age as an IVF success rate determinant
One of the most important determinants and the success rate of patients is the female age. Clinical pregnancy success rates for the patients less than 35 years old, on an average tends to be around forty to fifty percent. The live birth rates would be slightly lower. The success rates for patients between 38 to 42 drops to around twenty to forty percent, and this again are the clinical pregnancy rates.
Live birth rates have not improved with this group of patients but it still continues to remain and less than 30 to 35 percent. For patients more than 42, there is a significant drop in the clinical pregnancy rate, and it tends to be less than ten percent. The majority of the fertility specialist would advise considering the use of the egg donor if you happen to be more than 42.
The success rates when using an egg donor was very comparable to what it would be for women who are less than 37. With age, it is the egg quality that leads to the reduction of the clinical pregnancy or the success of an IVF treatment as again the implantation of the embryo within the womb.
Choosing a clinic based on IVF success rates
When you are looking at the success rate of different clinics, it is important that you look at the clinic profile and what kind of patients they are treating. Every clinic has its niche area of working, or at least to a certain extent. You should also factor in your cause of infertility. You want to look if they are treating enough patients of your cause and whether that’s the right clinic for you if you’re chasing success rate.
On the other hand, it’s also important to know as to how these success rates are being represented. Whether the denominator that’s being used is a clinical pregnancy rate, or whether the denominator is being used as a live birth rate. When you do go for the consultation it is important you ask your specialist as to how recent the success rates are, because the IVF processes as a dynamic the treatment and the treat success rates and the quality control processes in the clinic and change within a span of a couple of months.
It’s important to know that the success rates are fairly recent for you to make an informed decision. At London IVF and Genetics, my success rates for patients have been less than 35, for the clinical pregnancy rate has been 75% for the patients went for the treatment in the last year. That is kind of a guide mark. I still cannot be able to give you live birth rates but this is an indication of what you may expect if you’re coming into treatment.
Obviously, we tend to discuss in detail what variables may decrease your success rates to have a realistic chance of what the expectations from the treatment should be. So, in summary, the IVF success rates have considerably improved in the last few years. It depends on the clinical factors, the stage of the embryo replacement, and the number of the embryos that have been put back. Based on these factors that will give you a better idea of the success rates to expect.
It’s also important to know you should not use these numbers as a personal guide because sometimes situations can change and success rates cannot always be replicated for every patient.
Following consultation, I’ll be able to give you a prognostic idea as to what your expectations should be for the treatment. Yes, it’s absolutely true that forms a large part of the consultation, because by the time we have information from a detailed clinical assessment,the results of a blood test, scans, and the semen analysis, then we are able to bring that together all these variables. This gives you a realistic idea before you start the treatment.
We are very sensitive to the fact that the journey of an IVF patient is anything but straightforward. It has physical and emotional challenges that you go through, so it’s very very important that we take our responsibility and empower you with the information so that you make an informed decision and set your expectations, which are realistic