Our All Inclusive Packages

London IVF and Genetics Centre provide full range of male and female fertility tests and treatments. We are committed to providing high standard of patient care and partner with many leading providers in achieving our mission. The consultations, fertility tests and treatment monitoring scans will take place in Milton Keynes. The procedures such as insemination, egg collection and embryos transfer will be done by our Consultant at CARE London. This price list is for reference only and the final prices may differ depending on the tests or treatments recommended and agreed. Please contact the clinic for more information on any fertility tests or treatments including those that may not be listed here or to book appointment. You can also attend our free patient open evening to know more about any fertility tests and treatments.


This is applicable for patients with female partner age less than 35 years and having a good ovarian reserve. It includes IVF monitoring scans, monitoring blood tests, egg collection, sedation for egg collection and blastocyst (day-5) embryo transfer and drugs. Cycle cancellation fee applies.


This is for patients less than 35 years and having a good ovarian reserve. This includes IVF monitoring scans, monitoring blood tests, egg collection, sedation for egg collection and blastocyst (day-5) embryo transfer and drugs. Cycle cancellation fee applies.