What is IMSI?
IMSI (Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm insemination) is usually performed in patients who have a severe male factor infertility or when patients have been through a fertility treatment and experienced very low fertilisation or a total fertilisation failure when having performed ICSI.
The difference between the two is in ICSI (Intra-cytoplasmic sperm insemination) we use a high magnification microscope and under that the embryologists are checking for the three different structures of the sperm: The head, the midpiece and the tail. Based on that they assess the sperms and use the healthiest sperms for insemination.
In IMSI (Intracytoplasmic morphological-selected sperm injection) the magnification of the microscope is even higher. It’s an ultra high magnification microscope that is being used, and the embryologists can assess even more such as the organs inside this sperms and therefore they can optimise the sperm selection process.
Hopefully, this leads to a better outcome for the subgroup of patients with very low fertilisation or total fertilisation failure.