How long do you have to wait for the results of your fertility test?

Female fertility tests

Female fertility tests involve a blood test and ultrasound scan. The results of most of the blood tests are available after a few days. Whereas the ultrasound scan results are pretty much available soon after the ultrasound scan has been done.

When we are doing a hysterosalpingogram test, usually a provisional report at hand is available soon after the procedure, but the final report should be available again in a matter of few days.

Performing Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography (HyCoSy) for tubal factor infertility, again we get the results pretty much soon after the procedure and these are conveyed to you. The same applies for the laparoscopy and dye (lap and dye) test. Usually, before you’re being discharged from the hospital, your gynaecologist should be able to give you the outcome of the procedure.

Male fertility tests

With regards to the male factor fertility tests, the results of a semen analysis are usually at the very earliest should be available with your specialist in a matter of a few hours. Because the semen analysis has to be analysed within one or two hours after production otherwise the results might be invalidated.

Some of the other male fertility test such a Sperm DNA Fragmentation Test or oxidative stress test (ROS test) may take a few weeks to come back.

Also, if there is a very low sperm concentration or absence of sperms in the ejaculate, then your specialist may arrange blood tests such as karyotype, a cystic fibrosis screen or y chromosome microdeletion. These tests usually take few weeks anything from four weeks to up to eight weeks for the results to be with your specialist.